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University of Maryland

Landscape Architecture
Sustainability Studies
Media, Self, and Society

About me

Hi! My name is McKenzie and I am a part of the College Park Scholars Media, Self, and Society program at the University of Maryland College Park. I am currently an undergraduate sophomore pursuing a degree in Landscape Architecture along with a minor in Sustainability. I hope to come out of my experience in College Park Scholars with meaningful connections with my peers and the ability to facilitate and participate in meaningful discussions that bring people together. Scholars is a community of people who encourage each other to achieve their goals and come together to talk about important issues in our world today. My program in Scholars has taught me how to interpret media in our society and understand the importance of how information is delivered as well as where it is coming from. I plan to develop these skills further by using them in my everyday media consumption and eventually be able to educate others on the importance of understanding media in the digital age. Scholars has been a major part of my college experience so far, but I have also learned a lot outside of Scholars in my academic endeavors. Through exploring my interests I was able to find Landscape Architecture and I am very excited to continue to develop my skills to become a landscape architect and begin my career. My experiences at UMD have shaped my goals and taught me skills that I plan to use throughout my time as an undergraduate student and on.

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